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Author Archives: Ron

About Ron

A born and bred New Yorker, Ron made a career editing television commercials and designing computer graphics. He sold his company in 2010 and retired. Now he devotes his time to building custom bicycles, and biking around the planet. Recent trips include bicycling from Cleveland, Ohio to New Jersey, and biking from Montreal, Canada to his apartment in NYC. In his quest to build custom bikes, Ron just completed construction on a "bike house" where he can build and repair his collection of bikes, hang out with the guys and work on bike projects with friends.

Demo day


Categories: Bike & BIte, New Jersey | 1 Comment

Ron’s 50th 4 / 4 Fin..

Categories: Bike & BIte, Hawaii | 1 Comment

Ron’s 50th 3 / 4

Categories: Bike & BIte, Hawaii | 1 Comment

Ron’s 50th 2 / 4

Categories: Bike & BIte, Hawaii | 2 Comments

Ron’s 50th 1 / 4

Categories: Bike & BIte, Hawaii | 4 Comments