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Ron’s 50th 3 / 4

Posted by on August 2, 2016
Birthday celebration.. A quick 25 miler to the Extint Machana landing Lava Flow

Birthday celebration.. A quick 25 miler to the extinct Makena landing Lava Flow

Snorkel trip to Molikini island reef

Snorkel trip to Molokini island reef

Word famous Koiso sushi bar..

World famous Koiso sushi bar..

The Men approve..

The Men approve..

Next stop Monkeypod restaurant for high style dining..

Next stop Monkeypod restaurant for high style dining..

I Even got a cake..

Even got a cake..

Pete enjoyed coconut crumble cookie. arguably he was the happiest of all of us..

Pete enjoyed coconut crumble cookie. arguably he was the happiest of all of us..

One Response to Ron’s 50th 3 / 4

  1. Mark Clemons

    You make 50 look real good!

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