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Ron’s 50th 1 / 4

Posted by on July 31, 2016
Renee and i set off to the maui pad for a 2 week 50th birthday celebration for ME

Renee and I set off to the Maui pad for a 2 week 50th birthday celebration for ME

Somebody is so happy to be here

Somebody is so happy to be here

Derrik and horiteu arrive and the party is off and running

Derek and Horatiu arrive and the party is off and running

We make a new Local friend "Pete" ...he sure is hungry

We make a new Local friend “Pete” …he sure is hungry

Ut Oh looks like that storm is coming right at us!!!!

Uh Oh looks like that tropical storm is coming right at us!!!!

Or not.....

Or not…..

A quick Local Banana stop for fuel..

A quick Local Banana stop for fuel..

And we off 40 miles to... pie in ...

And we’re off 40 miles to Leoda’s pie shop in Lahaina

Scenic overlook. No whales in July tho..

Scenic overlook. No whales in July tho..

We didn't get the storm but the wind is kicking ..

We didn’t get the storm but the wind is kicking ..

This is gonna be a great 2 weeks.....

This is gonna be a great 2 weeks…..

4 Responses to Ron’s 50th 1 / 4

  1. Steve & Yvonne

    You are catching up. Happy 50th. Enjoy, Y

  2. Barb and Mike

    So glad you had such a great time with the docs and Renee.

  3. phylis

    Happy 50TH!!!!!! Thanks for the pictorial! Love seeing it all. And really really glad the storm missed you!

  4. DDR


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