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Celeb tour NYC

Posted by on September 26, 2013

Citi-biked over to Times Square yesterday to meet cousin Kelli
and jump on the TMZ tour bus..!


TMZ host… Mat. We had a great time, but Kelli was the most famous person any of us saw on the tour..!
She even got to show off a photo of her with Robert DeNiro, Morgan Freeman and Michael Douglas
in the not-yet-released movie “Last Vegas.”
No one asked her for an autograph, but she didn’t let me tell the whole David Letterman story…. “Pot of Gold…!!”


Later, Citi-biked over to Central Park South to meet up with more cousins…


Delicious sushi dinner with cousins Kim, Kelli and Mike at Blue Ribbon.
And funny enough… here’s where we saw the celebrities..
Wanda Sykes and Cindi Lauper, having dinner together (photo not included to protect the innocent)

2 Responses to Celeb tour NYC

  1. Jennifer McDougall


  2. Uncle Joe

    Great pics!!

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