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Author Archives: Renee

About Renee

Ron and I are off on an adventure. We have been emailing our immediate family updates, and posting some things on Facebook, but with this blog we'll be able to keep an up-to-date log of our activities and post pictures to share with you. You can check in on us whenever you like, at your convenience. You can even post comments. Bookmark us now... or just remember:

Postcards from Maui

Categories: Bike & BIte, Hawaii | 3 Comments

Christmas giving

Categories: Hawaii | 6 Comments

PWF bike adventure

Categories: Bike & BIte, Hawaii | 2 Comments

I am one with the Force, the Force is with me

Categories: Bike & BIte, Hawaii | 1 Comment

Frosty, but warm hearted

Categories: Bike & BIte, NYC | 4 Comments