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Two Tards

Posted by on September 14, 2013

After not much thought.. Bruce and I decide to do ANOTHER 100+ ride to New York City and take a harder, longer, steeper route


Our gate cam records this epic bad idea.


High atop the “first” mountain. Mt Peter.


Quick stop at world famous Otto’s for potato salad. ate too much.. another genius move


We made it to George Washington Bridge. under-dressed and freezing.


Down west side highway. starving.


48th Street.


Surprisingly i feel fine. Bruce is sleeping like a little baby.







3 Responses to Two Tards

  1. Uncle Joe

    Wow!! A couple of Supermen!!

  2. Michael Zimbard

    Sick!!! Very nicely done dude.

  3. Steve

    Im jealous, hope to be able to join you guys on a ride soon.

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