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Catching up with family

Posted by on September 9, 2013

Cousins in NYC… Jesse, Ron, Gina, Doug, Caryn, Angela
and my face upfront a la Louie U…
(Welcome to your new home Angela!!)


Ron with Jesse and Uncle Lee.


Our NYC terrace camera caught Ron and me smooching…


Puppy time with cousins Angus & Virgil. (Deena & Mario not pictured…)


Nighttime skateboarding for cousins Sandro and Jesse at our place in NJ.


Rain ride with Tyler to get his student visa for France.


NYC topless rain riding…!


Sugar Loaf, NY with Jesse, Darren, Caryn & Angela, after breakfast in a barn.


Ron and Angela, and some giant carrots…. Sussex County, NJ.


BBQ in Brooklyn with Kelli, Carolyn, Liz, baby “BBW” and my brother Webb…


Flashback with my parents and brother…. circa 1974…?

3 Responses to Catching up with family

  1. Jennifer McDougall

    Great to see the family updates. Looks like Angela is fitting right in! I lived near Sugar Loaf when I lived in NY. Brings back some sweet memories!!!

  2. Joe Wilcoxen

    Nice pics. Enjoyed them.

  3. Gina

    These pictures are making me smile!!! Thank you for posting!!

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