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20 Miles of Forest

Posted by on July 22, 2013

20 miles to Buttermilk Falls in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area.

The terrane was rough and and dangerous

The terrain was rough

and dangerous.

and dangerous.

We sped past the bridge troll

We sped past the bridge troll

and arrived safe and sound. 99 degrees never felt so good!

and arrived safe and sound. 99 degrees never felt so good!

Renee led the chase home to the pool! go baby go!

Renee led the chase home to the pool! go baby go!

4 Responses to 20 Miles of Forest

  1. Celeste

    You both look so STRONG! 99 degrees….OMG! We drove out from Vancouver this am heading east….in Missoula, MT tonight. The condo is cleaned and emptied and listed…..time to get back South….

    We continue to enjoy seeing and reading about your adventures…..

    • Ron

      Are you going to come through NYC? Not exactly on your way, but…

  2. Jennifer McDougall

    I’m impressed!!!!

  3. Joe

    I am very jealous!! Looking good…..

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