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Happy day!

Posted by on July 4, 2013

Great day with cousin Kelli, my brother Webb & sister-in-law Liz…. Prospect Park, Brooklyn NY!!
(yes, that’s a beautiful baby bump : )


Webb & Liz hosted quite a nice little bbq party in the park today. They found a nice shady spot where we all relaxed and enjoyed the warm breezes. (That is, once we found the “east nethermead” which wasn’t so easy to locate….)


Midtown Manhattan view from Long Island City.


Pepsi sign in Queens that we can see from the terrace of our apartment.


Hudson River fireworks!

4 Responses to Happy day!

  1. Linda

    So Cool. Glad you had a good time

  2. Joe

    Looks like my nieces and nephews, and daughter are having fun!!

  3. Jennifer McDougall

    Looks like a great day! We had rain, rain and more rain. Many things including the fireworks were canceled. There’s always next year!

  4. Mike Zimbard

    Looks like a great BBQ – hope you guys had a very happy 4th!!! Congrats to Webb and Liz 🙂

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