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NYC bike share – attempt 2

Posted by on June 11, 2013

Sunday night on the town…. Success with the bike share system. The only interesting (annoying) aspect is that although you pay for 24-hour access, the bikes are available in 30-minute segments. We headed downtown to Grand and Lafayette to meet Derek and Horatiu. We made it with just minutes to spare. Ron wants to sign up for the $95 annual pass, which allows for 45-minute segments.


The other interesting (questionable) aspect of the NYC bike share is that helmets are not part of the program, which means you have newbies, tourists and regular amateurs riding around NYC streets aimlessly. I brought my own helmet and my hi viz/reflective vest for our evening ride.


The surgeons and the scooter…

One Response to NYC bike share – attempt 2

  1. Celeste

    Nathan has a BikeShare close to his place and says it is great. I would try it I think but I do agree about the helmets…..what kind of insurance waiver do you sign? Maybe a new Kiosk venture ….. Helmet Share! Ewww…head lice!

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