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Very interesting ride…

Posted by on May 2, 2013

Ron motivated a ride today because he wanted to look for morels… We pulled off near the Wallkill River but didn’t find any mushrooms. What we did find was….


… a lonely baby squirrel looking for a friend. The squirrel ran up to Ron, following him across the parking lot, and seemed to say, hey mister, can you help a fella in need?  A fisherman gave me a glove so I could pick him up. He relaxed immediately.


He started to fall asleep right in my palm. But what are we going to do with a baby squirrel? and on our bikes no less?


We gave the squirrel a bit of granola bar to eat, and we promised we’d come back and check on him later. This picture shows some of the hills we climbed today.


Holland America Bakery always has beautiful tulips in the spring….


Lunch break!! We split bean soup, and a godfather sandwich with grilled chicken, roasted eggplant and red pepper. It was so good we gobbled it up before snapping a picture. Here Ron and Betty show off someone else’s lunch. Meanwhile, we were speaking to Eric, the diner owner, and told him about the squirrel we found. He called over Kelly, who said she was very interested in fostering the squirrel.


When we got home from the bike ride we drove back to the river and found the squirrel. We brought him home where he drank some water and then decided to take a nap. Our friends Steve and Laureen brought over a carrier and formula (so sweet of them!). And Kelly came by to take the squirrel to his new home with her family of four, plus a rescue chihuahua. What a day!

4 Responses to Very interesting ride…

  1. Celeste

    What a story! How could a squirrel be so lost???? You did a good thing and I’m glad it wasn’t sick …just lonely…..

  2. Jennifer McDougall

    I”m glad the day ended so well for the squirrel and for you!!!!

  3. Joe

    Very interesting and satifying story!

  4. william suite

    That is an amazing story. Best part was that you could find the squirrel a second time; what a happy ending! Makes my day!!!

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