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Police Unity Tour. 29 miles

Posted by on April 21, 2013
Got up early and bruce drove us to andover nj.

Got up early and Bruce drove us to andover nj.. We biked in a charity ride for fallen police officers. (raising money for the national law enforcement officers memorial in washington dc).

The Roads were empty

The Roads were empty

'Shades Of Death Road" really.. who could  make this up?

‘Shades Of Death Road” really.. who could make this up?

Bruce taking the road less traveled.

Bruce taking the road less traveled.

New Jersey Rocks !!

New Jersey Rocks !!

2 Responses to Police Unity Tour. 29 miles

  1. Joe

    I love the “Shades of Death” Road.

  2. Joe

    And the shortcut through the giant wheat(?).

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