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Catching up

Posted by on April 16, 2013

My jersey bike sez.. ‘happy nice day’ !! Ya gotta smile when you see this.


Local favorite.. Clove Brook bakery makes a good stop for us in the middle of a ride.


Our friends Heidi and Martin came out to stay with us for several days with baby Noah. They were very happy to visit the Double S diner for omelets, fresh mozzarella, and smoker treats like ribs and pulled pork.


Baby Noah was safely ensconced in his car seat, but from this point of view it looks pretty funny. Too much stuff to squeeze into a Ford Escape…


My entry for the ‘people of walmart’ website. Really, Martin?!


Awesome dinner with friends at the Walpack Inn. With Courtney & Stephen, and Martin & Heidi, plus baby Noah (not pictured) and unborn baby Lavin (pretty prominently pictured).


Helping cousin Jesse celebrate his 17th with cousin Caryn!!

3 Responses to Catching up

  1. Heidi Baltzer

    We had so much fun, thanks again for the awesome time. 🙂

  2. Joe

    Keep up the fun!!

  3. Jennifer McDougall

    Glad to see you back at home and enjoying friends and family!!!

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