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Stopover in Galax, VA

Posted by on April 8, 2013
Detained in Galax, VA...!

Detained in Galax, VA…!

Great bike path in Virginia... New River Trail State Park.

Great bike path in Virginia… New River Trail State Park. We biked 20 miles but there was much more to see….

Bill, Brad, Mark, Linda & Ron.

Bill, Brad, Mark, Linda & Ron.

Stretching out along the river.

Stretching out along the river.


Renee and Linda.


Renee, Mark, Bill and Brad exiting an old railroad tunnel.


Happy campers on the last biking day of the winter trip.


Ron loved this bridge.


Celebratory dinner… Mark, Ron, Renee, Sue Ann, Shirley, Bill, Susan and Brad.


One Response to Stopover in Galax, VA

  1. Jenn

    Wow, it looks beautiful there! Glad you got to catch up with everyone. I know you’re happy to be home but we miss you guys already!

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