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Quick cruise / leisurely lunch

Posted by on November 10, 2016
Downtown ride..

Downtown ride today..

I told Ron that we were going to get Korean tacos.

I told Ron that we were going to get Korean Mexican food. (!)


For some reason Ron was perplexed by this menu and waited outside while I ordered...!

For some reason Ron was overwhelmed by this menu. He walked in and then walked right out, back to the safety of his bicycle. I ordered stuff to go…

Ron proposed that we eat in Washington Square Park and that was truly a great idea.. What a day!

Ron proposed that we eat in Washington Square Park and that was truly a great idea.. What a day! And the food was delicious.

Vertical pano shows off the feathery clouds

Vertical pano shows off the feathery clouds

Then we simply rolled home up the East River. Nice one.

Then we simply rolled home up the East River. Nice one.

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