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One Wednesday

Posted by on January 27, 2016
It's a good day for a little excursion.. lunch and grocery shopping.

It’s a good day for a little excursion.. lunch and grocery shopping.

Feeling good...!

Ron’s feeling good… he loves this hue… so blue..

There's a new place, Bella Surf Cafe, that has freshly made crepes. We shared a savory one, then a sweet one.

There’s a new place, Bella Surf Cafe, that has freshly made crepes. We shared a savory one with egg, cheese and avocado, then a sweet one with nutella and local banana.

Ron added a basket to my bike and we loaded up on supplies.. salad, chicken to barbecue, some kim chee and umm, maybe some cookies too.. Ron said, "Bikes rule, cars drool."

Ron added a basket to my bike so now we both have room to tote stuff. Today we loaded up on salad, chicken to barbecue, some kim chee and umm, maybe some cookies too..
Ron said, “Bikes rule, cars drool.”

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