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KW: airshow

Posted by on March 25, 2013

The NAS Key West Southernmost Air Spectacular.  Free event!


Ron biking on South Roosevelt bike path, heading to the airshow.


Two planes circling a parachuter.




R&R posing with the blue angels in the background. (We biked to the event: 20+ miles total).


The beautiful blue angels lined up and ready to go.


Billy & Jenn drove down for the weekend and met us at the naval air station.


Whoa… blue angels right over our heads!

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Nice shot of the blue angels courtesy of Jenn.


Delta formation overhead with all six blue angels.

PS on the blue angels…  The night before the airshow we biked to the animal shelter fundraiser.  There are bike paths almost the entire way, but at one point the bike path crosses Route 1 where it enters Key West and there is no traffic light.  Bikers have to fend for themselves and time the crossing carefully because the stream of traffic is pretty constant and the cars rarely stop for bikers.  I am happy to report that after about 15 cars passed us, a minivan stopped to let us cross, and inside that minivan were the blue angel pilots!  In uniform!  U.S.A.!!!


Biking home on the all new bike path along Route 1 near Key Haven.


10 Responses to KW: airshow

  1. Joe

    Holy Cats! What a show!!

  2. Jennifer McDougall

    That looks amazing. We are still shoveling another snow. Seems like spring has forgotten to come this year.

    • william suite

      Hi R & R. Are you sure you really want to start back north? Not to be negative, but this winter will just not let go. Light snow, gusty cold winds with temps 20 below normal. And not just for us but practically the entire nation except a 2X2 mile square close to Phoenix. We have an epidemic of cabin fever around here. Even our indoor cycling classes are near capacity, and this is an area that loves pizza and merely thinking about exercising.Keep us posted, and the pictures look so absolutely unwinterlike-we love it. Be careful crossing the street;the Blue Angels can’t always be there.

      • Renee

        You really make us laugh Bill!! Thank you for the warning about the weather. Ron has been daydreaming about h-o-m-e for a while now. We mailed our winter coats back to NJ, so you better make sure it warms up in VA before we pass through! And you should make sure someone is around to help us cross the street too.

    • Renee

      I am truly wary of the snow and cold continuing. Winter should be over!

  3. Heidi Baltzer

    So cool, guys! I wonder if one of those planes has my ftiend’s husband in it. 😉
    Can’t wait to see you soon!

    • Renee

      Yes.. soon! We’ll bike out to BKLYN as soon as we get back. Give Noah kisses for us.

  4. Liz

    Love the PS on the blue angels…

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