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Posted by on March 26, 2013

Pepe’s established 1909. Sign says “under old management” ha!

Thursday is thanksgiving dinner night. It was great and i was getting tired of fish every day.

Thursday is thanksgiving dinner night. It was great and I was getting tired of fish every day.

Renee got mahi florentine.

Renee got mahi florentine, fresh string beans and baked sweet potato.

3 Responses to Pepe’s

  1. Joe

    Did you eat it all, Ron?

    • Ron

      I absolutely ate it all. it was fresh and delicious. I ate every bite but passed on the homemade desserts…

  2. Gina

    It’s so fun to see your blog posts and see you having a good time! And I am thinking a Thanksgiving dinner might be in order for Easter! We are looking forward to having you here pretty soon!

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