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Posted by on November 1, 2015

“Hey Ron.. Wanna dress up for Halloween”?


“Sure, what could happen”?


“WITNESS!! War Boys and Furiosa from Mad Max Fury Road..

..take on the NYC Halloween parade. (This woman yelled out, "Hey, sexy guys!")

..take on the NYC Halloween parade.
(This woman yelled out, “Hey, sexy guys!”)


Even New York’s Finest got into the act.. (He yelled out, “Mad Max!” to us.)

And Furiosa steals the show.

And Furiosa steals the show.


At the after party we meet the Girls from Thunder Dome


And every Star Wars fan’s dream… Female Storm Troopers


Dreaming of the halls of Valhalla!



5 Responses to Halloween.

  1. Michelle

    You guys really pulled it off. You all look great. Renee you are so beautiful even prettier the Charlis.

  2. Phylis

    You guys rocked it!!

  3. Steve & Yvonne

    You guys really enjoy everything. Quite Halloween. Sitting at 5400 feet in Deadwood, South Dakota, Yvonne

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