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KW: SPCA fundriaser

Posted by on March 22, 2013
Heading to the fundraiser for the Florida Keys Society for the Protection of Animals.  Followed a bike path all the way there. (<6 miles one way)

Heading to the fundraiser for the Florida Keys Society for the Protection of Animals. We followed a bike path all the way there. And back. (<12 miles round trip) ((17+ for the day))

Good eats. Beautiful setting.

Good eats. Beautiful setting.

Immortalize your pet in a book auction setup.

Immortalize your pet in a book auction setup. The author said she loves Juan Carlos’ name…! We didn’t bid… too sad.

:  D

: D


3 Responses to KW: SPCA fundriaser

  1. Celeste


  2. Georgia

    Keep on the sunny side and the wheels turning. Love, GG

  3. Georgia

    Love you!

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