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001 The first Big Bike

Posted by on October 24, 2015

This is my friend JAY. We Worked in the edit room together for many years making tv commercials


He’s normal… my kind of normal…


Over the years we have been through a lot of Hard work and hard parting..


Years ago when Jay said he needed a bike, i gladly gave him my pride and joy. The first big bike..

For Years Jay rode this bike all over california's beach scene.. Sadly after years of salt and sand there was not much left of the bike..

For Years Jay rode this bike all over california’s beach scene..
Sadly after years of salt and sand there was not much left of the bike..


So he sent it home for some love


I tossed everything but the frame and seat


Good thing i know a secret..


Jay’s Favorite color..


Blood RED


He’s Gonna Shit when he see his bike all done!


Because he’s such a nice person.. ISH


Cheers Buddy..!!

One Response to 001 The first Big Bike

  1. Joseph

    Woo Hoo!!

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