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Art House Open House

Posted by on October 21, 2015

We set out on a 38 mile loop to the edge of Pennsylvania to stop at the famed Luna Parc Art House


After 14 miles of dodging traffic we turn off the main highway and find a local deli run by grandmas ..


Freshly made sandwich and homemade split pea soup.. Amazing


Finally off the highway!

Made It!!

Made It !!

Way back in the woods is the home and workshop of an eclectic creator and collector.

Way back in the woods, is the home and workshop of an eclectic creator and collector.


VIP Country Parking…


This Place is pretty cool!


Almost enough BLUE for me..

IMG_8392 (1)

This Bathroom must have taken years to tile.. Note the shower hangs down in the middle of the room


OK safest way home is deckertown turnpike.. 25 miles more of up and down HELL and 2500 feet of climbing.. LETS DO THIS!!!!




25 miles later at 1600 feet she’s on the downhill side and Still Smiling.. There is no stopping this girl!


Our own country road never looked so good! Did i Mention it’s freezing out.


We beeline it to a turkish restaurant for mixed appetizers and homemade bread..


2 Responses to Art House Open House

  1. Joseph

    Amazing adventure! Looks like a lot of fun!!

  2. Yvonne

    You guys awe crazy you make me laugh. Keep going, Yvonne.
    P.S. Nothing surprises me of you two

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