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winter home in key west

Posted by on March 21, 2013
found a new home in key west.

Found a new home in key west

everything looks great... but what does 1,125,000 get you?

everything looks great… but what does 1,125,000 get you?


Deal breaker… im in shock. i have never even heard of anything like this.. o well the search goes on.. stupid bike haters..



4 Responses to winter home in key west

  1. Liz

    Maybe they have a beautiful,
    climate-controlled garage for bikes…

  2. Ron

    Nope. Outdoor bike rack. losers.

  3. Mish

    Maybe there is a climate controlled garage near by. When is the house warming party!

  4. Celeste

    Awwww! Keep looking….it’s there!

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