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Renee Birthday Week!!!!

Posted by on June 28, 2015

Lets get this birthday week started right!

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Fresh Mullberries are a great start!


Birthday cows!!


Brunch with Jenelle from Chase. The amazing lady who helped get Edit One off the ground

Quick stop a Webb's for a birthday BBQ

Quick stop at Webb’s for a birthday BBQ

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Night ride to the river.. 59th Street bridge


Rain can’t stop this party!


NYC Bicycle Film Festival

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We sprint downtown to DANCE BRAZIL!




Rain stops just in time for the PRIDE parade.. Also amazing!!

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What!!??!! She gets a street fair Too??


Happy Birthday Angel.. I’m pooped.. Wait.. We still have dinner with Kelli in the city..!!

5 Responses to Renee Birthday Week!!!!

  1. Dave Reimer

    Happy Birthday, Renee!

  2. Amelia

    You are rhe perfect couple! Happy Birthday!

  3. Yvonne

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!what a day you had. So happy for you. You two have an amazing life, Enjoy, Celebrate and Love. Thinking of you, Yvonne

  4. Doug and Gina

    Looks like a really great birthday to me!! Glad you had a good one!! xoxo
    Gina and Doug

  5. Mary White

    Happiest and blessed Birthday Renee! Looks like you were treated to a wonderful week by Ron & friends! Wish we could have joined in to celebrate a very special lady! May this year be the best ever!

    Dan & Mary

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