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Biking ups and downs

Posted by on May 17, 2015



This morning we had an awesome breakfast with Dawn & Qaasim. We relaxed and enjoyed catching up while we waited for our veggie omelets.

But then a low spot of the day. On the way home a dog ran out into the street and bit my back tire, knocking me off my bike. The irresponsible and ignorant owner denied any responsibility. We called the police and the officer registered our complaint against the owner for a dog off the leash, running out into the road. The dog owner lied, saying his dog didn't leave the yard, and that I fell because I braked too hard. I showed the officer the dog hair caught in my spoke.. Enough said.

But then a low spot of the day. On the way home a dog ran out into the street and bit my back tire, knocking me off my bike. The irresponsible and ignorant owner denied any responsibility. We called the police and the officer registered our complaint against the owner for a dog off the leash, running out into the road. The dog owner lied, saying his dog didn’t leave the yard, and that I fell because I braked too hard. I showed the officer the dog hair caught in my spoke.. Enough said.


Ron led the way and I got back in the saddle.. bruised but not broken. Onwards and upwards…!

2 Responses to Biking ups and downs

  1. Dave Reimer

    Good for you for reporting this irresponsible dog owner.

    • Renee

      Thanks Dave. I love animals… I hate seeing bad owners.

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