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Back to the barn

Posted by on May 3, 2015
Perfect biking weather and we decide to hit the barn for breakfast.

Perfect biking weather and we decided to hit the barn for breakfast.

In the heart of black dirt country....

In the heart of black dirt country….

Veggie tart with a big salad.

Veggie tart with a big salad.

Veggie omelet with sweet potato home fries and a salad.

Veggie omelet with sweet potato home fries and a salad.

Ron spied some May Apples alongside the road and gave a hearty search for some morels, but no luck.

Ron spied some May Apples alongside the road and gave a hearty search for some morels, but no luck.

Magnolias and violets.

Magnolias and violets.

Another attempt at finding some morels.  So far, zero mushrooms, one tick.  We'll keep trying.

Another attempt at finding some morels. So far, zero mushrooms, one tick.
We’ll keep trying.


One Response to Back to the barn

  1. Doug and Gina

    Glad you are back, and so is Angela!

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