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KW: helping the SPCA

Posted by on March 19, 2013

Our new Keys friend Peter asked us for a little creative help.  The local SPCA has a spring social fundraiser tonight, and Peter’s friend Roberta is making a very interesting donation.  Roberta is a novelist who writes Key West murder mysteries under the pen name Lucy Burdette.  She has agreed to include the auction winner’s pet in her next novel..!!!  

Ron went right to work.  He downloaded Photoshop Touch on his iPad and designed this photo of Juan Carlos for the auction.  Ron knew without a doubt that Juan Carlos should be part of this.  He scanned through thousands of our pictures to find just the right one and I helped with the wording. Voila! 

Auction table teaser stars Juan Carlos...!

Auction table teaser stars Juan Carlos…!

Screen Shot 2013-03-19 at 10.19.58 PM

6 Responses to KW: helping the SPCA

  1. Jaime Breckenridge

    awesome work Ron!

  2. Jennifer McDougall

    He really was a character!!!!

  3. Mish

    I was with you when you snapped this shot. Too cute

    • Renee

      I still miss him so much! We went to the charity event tonight for the animal shelter here. I’ll have to post some pictures…

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