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Vero 2/13

Posted by on February 26, 2013

Vero Beach, FL… we spent about a week here.  With our bikes we stretched up to Sebastian, and down to Fort Pierce.  We met some fun locals, had lunch with our PA cousins, and biked with some NJ cousins.

Vero Beach, FL: good biking around town.

Vero Beach, FL: good biking around town.

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Vero Beach, FL: cousins Deena & Mario came to visit us. We had a great lunch together catching up. Lots of laughs.


Fort Pierce Inlet Park… we had to pay $2 per bike, but it was worth it just for the thrill of thinking we might actually see a bobcat. We didn’t spot one, but we did see a raccoon hanging out by the ranger station

Vero Beach, FL: we met some locals who took us out partying. Psychedelic shot....

Vero Beach, FL: we met some locals who took us out partying. Psychedelic shot….

Vero Beach: partying with Sandy, Dave and Jen.

Vero Beach, FL: partying with Dave, Sandy, Lisa and Jen.

South Beach, FL: check me out

South Beach, FL: check me out

Vero Beach: we biked up the coast with long-lost-must-be-related-because- we-have-the-same-last-name-cousins.

Vero Beach, FL: we biked up the coast with long-lost, must-be-related-because-we-have-the-same-last-name cousins.


One Response to Vero 2/13

  1. Jenn Vinik

    I love the pic looking at Renee through the mirror! Looks so cool! See ya guys down south!

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