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Posted by on July 13, 2014



We took a few days rest at the Mohonk Mountain House


We start off running on the Rock Scramble.

photo 2

Even I don’t know how I got up there.


Or how she got up there!!?!

photo 5

Almost to the top…


One last Squeeze..


Top of the World baby


A little Rowboat action on the lake


And now for some real MOUNTAIN biking.


UP and UP and UP.


Our Excellent guides Alex and Jaco

image 2

No floaties allowed???!? Now I’m double tired. Lets get out of here…





2 Responses to Getaway.

  1. Uncle Joe

    Fantastic place for fun.

  2. Jaco Botes

    Good afternoon fellow bikerrs,

    Thanks so much for the photo uploads, I really enjoyed seeing familiar faces and places from your time at the getaway. I look forward to taking you up on a NYC bike tour when I head down sometime! I’m actually going with a group for the day in middle August but I’m not sure if I will have time for a bike tour on the same day unless I book some accomodation and spend a night in the big apple.

    Will keep you posted! Kind regards, Jaco

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