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NJ April ’14

Posted by on May 1, 2014
Happy boy wheelies the bike he stripped and painted.. deep blue with blue metal flake.

Happy boy wheelies the bike he stripped and painted.. deep blue with blue metal flake.

Bright blue graffiti bike gets hung in a place of honor in Ron's bike house.

Bright blue graffiti bike gets hung in a place of honor in Ron’s bike house.

Ron and Martin biking through the valley.  (I think this makes an argument for hi vis clothing...)

Ron and Martin biking through the valley. (I think this makes an argument for hi vis clothing…)

Gourmet breakfast in a barn is the perfect stop on our Sunday ride...  (with Linda, Heidi, Noah and Martin, plus Bruce, not pictured).

Gourmet breakfast in a barn is the perfect stop on our Sunday ride… (with Linda, Heidi, Noah and Martin, plus Bruce, not pictured).

Bonus pic: die winter, die..!!

Bonus pic: die winter, die..!!

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