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Paths of Hawaii

Posted by on January 29, 2014

Some bike paths share sidewalks.


Some paths are not marked.


And some have nice views.


And some are not paths at all but secretly wild boar trails.


“What the hell was that noise?” We’re out of here!!


Phew! No wild pigs at the Marriott. Safe at last!


3 Responses to Paths of Hawaii

  1. Gina

    Stay away from those wild boars! We need you two back here on the mainland!! Enjoying the pictures!!

  2. Celeste

    Looks like it is nice and warm in Hawaii….. smart choice…we’ve had 2 cold (but clear) weeks at our Vancouver place and are now trying to get back to the Emerald coast and the ice storm and record cold! Oh My! Probably stuck in Dallas a night or two ;-(

    • Renee

      Maybe you should visit Austin or San Antonio… Florida sure has had some weird weather!!

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