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A walk in the park

Posted by on January 23, 2014

Hey Renee let’s take it easy today and relax from biking


How about a relaxing walk…


Straight up. Ha


Half way and no turning back now.


Rest break.


Top of the world! Yep she’s still smiling


Down is just as hard.


The unsupported bridge of doom.


In the face of certain death, Renee has nerves of steel.


Home safe. Back where I belong. Sea level on a bike.


4 Responses to A walk in the park

  1. Yvonne

    Neat pictures and sayings. Neat hike, Y

  2. Gina

    Wow, what a great experience! Such a beautiful place! Did you miss the active volcano on Mauii, I think it was…….

  3. Uncle Joe

    Very interesting! Was it as difficult as it looks? Could a 70 yo do it?

  4. Ron

    Joe. It was a real stinker. We saw some older people making the climb. It’s all about taking time outs. But the bridge of doom as I call it was nuts, one slip and your toast.

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