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Posted by on November 11, 2013

A baby bull checked out my bike today on a solo ride to the New York border.


Plus a furry little dairy cow stopped to say hi.


In honor of Uncle Jr’s birthday today, I’m including this recent picture from our pizza party at Monicals in Canton, IL where we celebrated Jr’s 95th birthday, Aunt Ann’s 92nd birthday, and Red & Georgia’s 72nd wedding anniversary!!!


Another happy family reunion at a diner near Peoria, IL.


Whooops! Busted.
Helping Kelli enjoy some time off from movie making in Ohio.


4 Responses to Connections

  1. Stefan

    Holy Cow!

  2. Celeste

    I want one of those eclairs!!! Michelle at Fusions said to say hi! You both look terrific BTW!

  3. Uncle Joe

    Great pics!!

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